Source code for lasso.parameters

import os
from .logger import WranglerLogger

def get_base_dir(lasso_base_dir=os.getcwd()):
    d = lasso_base_dir
    for i in range(3):
        if "metcouncil_data" in os.listdir(d):
  "Lasso base directory set as: {}".format(d))
            return d
        d = os.path.dirname(d)

    msg = "Cannot find Lasso base directory from {}, please input using keyword in parameters: `lasso_base_dir =` ".format(
    raise (ValueError(msg))

[docs]class Parameters: """A class representing all the parameters defining the networks including time of day, categories, etc. Parameters can be set at runtime by initializing a parameters instance with a keyword argument setting the attribute. Parameters that are not explicitly set will use default parameters listed in this class. .. highlight:: python ##TODO potentially split this between several classes. Attr: time_period_to_time (dict): Maps time period abbreviations used in Cube to time of days used on gtfs and highway network standard Default: :: { "AM": ("6:00", "9:00"), "MD": ("9:00", "16:00"), "PM": ("16:00", "19:00"), "NT": ("19:00", "6:00"), } cube_time_periods (dict): Maps cube time period numbers used in transit line files to the time period abbreviations in time_period_to_time dictionary. Default: :: {"1": "AM", "2": "MD"} categories (dict): Maps demand category abbreviations to a list of network categories they are allowed to use. Default: :: { # suffix, source (in order of search) "sov": ["sov", "default"], "hov2": ["hov2", "default", "sov"], "hov3": ["hov3", "hov2", "default", "sov"], "truck": ["trk", "sov", "default"], } properties_to_split (dict): Dictionary mapping variables in standard roadway network to categories and time periods that need to be split out in final model network to get variables like LANES_AM. Default: :: { "trn_priority": { "v": "trn_priority", "time_periods": self.time_periods_to_time, }, "ttime_assert": { "v": "ttime_assert", "time_periods": self.time_periods_to_time, }, "lanes": {"v": "lanes", "time_periods": self.time_periods_to_time}, "price": { "v": "price", "time_periods": self.time_periods_to_time, "categories": self.categories, }, "access": {"v": "access", "time_periods": self.time_periods_to_time}, } county_shape (str): File location of shapefile defining counties. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/county/cb_2017_us_county_5m.shp" county_variable_shp (str): Property defining the county n ame in the county_shape file. Default: :: NAME lanes_lookup_file (str): Lookup table of number of lanes for different data sources. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/lookups/lanes.csv" centroid_connect_lanes (int): Number of lanes for centroid connectors. Default: :: 1 mpo_counties (list): list of county names within MPO boundary. Default: :: [ "ANOKA", "DAKOTA", "HENNEPIN", "RAMSEY", "SCOTT", "WASHINGTON", "CARVER", ] taz_shape (str): Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/TAZ/TAZOfficialWCurrentForecasts.shp" taz_data (str): Default: :: ?? highest_taz_number (int): highest TAZ number in order to define centroid connectors. Default: :: 3100 output_variables (list): list of variables to output in final model network. Default: :: [ "model_link_id", "A", "B", "shstGeometryId", "distance", "roadway", "name", "roadway_class", "bike_access", "transit_access", "walk_access", "drive_access", "truck_access", "trn_priority_AM", "trn_priority_MD", "trn_priority_PM", "trn_priority_NT", "ttime_assert_AM", "ttime_assert_MD", "ttime_assert_PM", "ttime_assert_NT", "lanes_AM", "lanes_MD", "lanes_PM", "lanes_NT", "price_sov_AM", "price_hov2_AM", "price_hov3_AM", "price_truck_AM", "price_sov_MD", "price_hov2_MD", "price_hov3_MD", "price_truck_MD", "price_sov_PM", "price_hov2_PM", "price_hov3_PM", "price_truck_PM", "price_sov_NT", "price_hov2_NT", "price_hov3_NT", "price_truck_NT", "roadway_class_idx", "assign_group", "access_AM", "access_MD", "access_PM", "access_NT", "mpo", "area_type", "county", "centroidconnect", "AADT", "count_year", "count_AM", "count_MD", "count_PM", "count_NT", "count_daily", "model_node_id", "N", "osm_node_id", "bike_node", "transit_node", "walk_node", "drive_node", "geometry", "X", "Y", ] area_type_shape (str): Location of shapefile defining area type. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/area_type/ThriveMSP2040CommunityDesignation.shp" area_type_variable_shp (str): property in area_type_shape with area type in it. Default: :: "COMDES2040" area_type_code_dict (dict): Mapping of the area_type_variable_shp to the area type code used in the MetCouncil cube network. Default: :: { 23: 4, # urban center 24: 3, 25: 2, 35: 2, 36: 1, 41: 1, 51: 1, 52: 1, 53: 1, 60: 1, } downtown_area_type_shape (str): Location of shapefile defining downtown area type. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/area_type/downtownzones_TAZ.shp" downtown_area_type (int): Area type integer for downtown. Default: :: 5 mrcc_roadway_class_shape (str): Shapefile of MRCC links with a property associated with roadway class. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/mrcc/trans_mrcc_centerlines.shp" mrcc_roadway_class_variable_shp (str): The property in mrcc_roadway_class_shp associated with roadway class. Default: :: "ROUTE_SYS" widot_roadway_class_shape (str): Shapefile of Wisconsin links with a property associated with roadway class. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median/WISLR.shp" widot_roadway_class_variable_shp (str): The property in widot_roadway_class_shape associated with roadway class.Default: :: "RDWY_CTGY_" mndot_count_shape (str): Shapefile of MnDOT links with a property associated with counts. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/count_mn/AADT_2017_Count_Locations.shp" mndot_count_variable_shp (str): The property in mndot_count_shape associated with counts. Default: :: "AADT_mn" widot_count_shape (str): Shapefile of Wisconsin DOT links with a property associated with counts. Default:Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median/TRADAS_(counts).shp" widot_count_variable_shp (str): The property in widot_count_shape associated with counts. Default: :: "AADT_wi" mrcc_shst_data (str): MnDOT MRCC to Shared Streets crosswalk. Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/mrcc/mrcc.out.matched.csv" widot_shst_data (str): WisconsinDOT to Shared Streets crosswalk.Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median/widot.out.matched.geojson" mndot_count_shst_data (str): MetCouncil count data with ShST Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/count_mn/mn_count_ShSt_API_match.csv" widot_count_shst_data (str): WisconsinDOT count data with ShST Default: :: r"metcouncil_data/Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median/wi_count_ShSt_API_match.csv", mrcc_assgngrp_dict (str): Mapping beetween MRCC ROUTE_SYS variable and assignment group. Default: :: "lookups/mrcc_route_sys_asgngrp_crosswalk.csv" widot_assgngrp_dict (dict): Mapping beetween Wisconsin DOT RDWY_CTGY_ variable and assignment group. Default: :: "lookups/widot_ctgy_asgngrp_crosswalk.csv" osm_assgngrp_dict (dict): Mapping between OSM Roadway variable and assignment group. Default: :: "lookups/osm_highway_asgngrp_crosswalk.csv" roadway_class_dict (str): Mapping between assignment group and roadway class. Default: :: "lookups/asgngrp_rc_num_crosswalk.csv" output_epsg (int): EPSG type of geographic projection for output shapefiles. Default: :: 26915 net_to_dbf (str): Lookup of network variables to DBF compliant lengths. Default: :: "examples/settings/net_to_dbf.csv" output_link_shp (str): Output shapefile for roadway links. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/links.shp" output_node_shp (str): Output shapefile for roadway nodes. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/nodes.shp" output_link_csv (str): Output csv for roadway links. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/links.csv" output_node_csv (str): Output csv for roadway nodes. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/nodes.csv" output_link_txt (str): Output fixed format txt for roadway links. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/links.txt" output_node_txt (str): Output fixed format txt for roadway nodes. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/nodes.txt" output_link_header_width_txt (str): Header for txt roadway links. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/links_header_width.txt" output_node_header_width_txt (str): Header for txt for roadway Nodes. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/nodes_header_width.txt" output_cube_network_script (str): Cube script for importing fixed-format roadway network. Default: :: r"tests/scratch/make_complete_network_from_fixed_width_file.s """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Time period and category splitting info """ if "time_periods_to_time" in kwargs: self.time_periods_to_time = kwargs.get("time_periods_to_time") else: self.time_period_to_time = { "AM": ("6:00", "9:00"), ##TODO FILL IN with real numbers "MD": ("9:00", "16:00"), "PM": ("16:00", "19:00"), "NT": ("19:00", "6:00"), } self.route_type_bus_mode_dict = {"Urb Loc": 5, "Sub Loc": 6, "Express": 7} self.route_type_mode_dict = {0: 8, 2: 9} self.cube_time_periods = {"1": "AM", "2": "MD"} self.cube_time_periods_name = {"AM": "pk", "MD": "op"} if "categories" in kwargs: self.categories = kwargs.get("categories") else: self.categories = { # suffix, source (in order of search) "sov": ["sov", "default"], "hov2": ["hov2", "default", "sov"], "hov3": ["hov3", "hov2", "default", "sov"], "truck": ["trk", "sov", "default"], } # prefix, source variable, categories self.properties_to_split = { "trn_priority": { "v": "trn_priority", "time_periods": self.time_period_to_time, }, "ttime_assert": { "v": "ttime_assert", "time_periods": self.time_period_to_time, }, "lanes": {"v": "lanes", "time_periods": self.time_period_to_time}, "ML_lanes": {"v": "ML_lanes", "time_periods": self.time_period_to_time}, "price": { "v": "price", "time_periods": self.time_period_to_time, "categories": self.categories, }, "access": {"v": "access", "time_periods": self.time_period_to_time}, } """ Details for calculating the county based on the centroid of the link. The COUNTY_VARIABLE should be the name of a field in shapefile. """ if "lasso_base_dir" in kwargs: self.base_dir = get_base_dir(lasso_base_dir=kwargs.get("lasso_base_dir")) else: self.base_dir = get_base_dir() if "data_file_location" in kwargs: self.data_file_location = kwargs.get("data_file_location") else: self.data_file_location = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "metcouncil_data") if "settings_location" in kwargs: self.settings_location = kwargs.get("settings_location") else: self.settings_location = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "examples", "settings") if "scratch_location" in kwargs: self.scratch_location = kwargs.get("scratch_location") else: self.scratch_location = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "tests", "scratch") ### COUNTIES self.county_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "county", "cb_2017_us_county_5m.shp" ) self.county_variable_shp = "NAME" self.county_code_dict = { "Anoka": 1, "Carver": 2, "Dakota": 3, "Hennepin": 4, "Ramsey": 5, "Scott": 6, "Washington": 7, "external": 10, "Chisago": 11, "Goodhue": 12, "Isanti": 13, "Le Sueur": 14, "McLeod": 15, "Pierce": 16, "Polk": 17, "Rice": 18, "Sherburne": 19, "Sibley": 20, "St. Croix": 21, "Wright": 22, } self.mpo_counties = [ 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, ] ### Lanes self.lanes_lookup_file = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "lookups", "lanes.csv" ) ### TAZS self.taz_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "TAZ", "TAZOfficialWCurrentForecasts.shp" ) self.taz_data = None self.highest_taz_number = 3100 ### AREA TYPE self.area_type_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "area_type", "ThriveMSP2040CommunityDesignation.shp", ) self.area_type_variable_shp = "COMDES2040" # area type map from raw data to model category # source # urban center # urban # suburban # suburban edge # emerging suburban edge # rural center # diversified rural # rural residential # agricultural self.area_type_code_dict = { 23: 4, # urban center 24: 3, 25: 2, 35: 2, 36: 1, 41: 1, 51: 1, 52: 1, 53: 1, 60: 1, } self.downtown_area_type_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "area_type", "downtownzones_TAZ.shp", ) self.downtown_area_type = int(5) self.centroid_connect_lanes = int(1) self.osm_assgngrp_dict = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "lookups", "osm_highway_asgngrp_crosswalk.csv" ) self.mrcc_roadway_class_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "mrcc", "trans_mrcc_centerlines.shp" ) self.mrcc_roadway_class_variable_shp = "ROUTE_SYS" self.mrcc_assgngrp_dict = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "lookups", "mrcc_route_sys_asgngrp_crosswalk.csv" ) self.mrcc_shst_data = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "mrcc", "mrcc.out.matched.csv" ) self.widot_roadway_class_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median", "WISLR.shp" ) self.widot_roadway_class_variable_shp = "RDWY_CTGY_" self.widot_assgngrp_dict = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "lookups", "widot_ctgy_asgngrp_crosswalk.csv" ) self.widot_shst_data = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median", "widot.out.matched.geojson", ) self.roadway_class_dict = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "lookups", "asgngrp_rc_num_crosswalk.csv" ) self.mndot_count_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "count_mn", "AADT_2017_Count_Locations.shp" ) self.mndot_count_shst_data = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "count_mn", "mn_count_ShSt_API_match.csv" ) self.mndot_count_variable_shp = "AADT_mn" self.widot_county_shape = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median", "TRADAS_(counts).shp", ) self.widot_count_shst_data = os.path.join( self.data_file_location, "Wisconsin_Lanes_Counts_Median", "wi_count_ShSt_API_match.csv", ) self.widot_count_variable_shp = "AADT_wi" self.net_to_dbf_crosswalk = os.path.join( self.settings_location, "net_to_dbf.csv" ) self.log_to_net_crosswalk = os.path.join( self.settings_location, "log_to_net.csv" ) self.output_variables = [ "model_link_id", "link_id", "A", "B", "shstGeometryId", "shape_id", "distance", "roadway", "name", "roadway_class", "bike_access", "walk_access", "drive_access", "truck_access", "trn_priority_AM", "trn_priority_MD", "trn_priority_PM", "trn_priority_NT", "ttime_assert_AM", "ttime_assert_MD", "ttime_assert_PM", "ttime_assert_NT", "lanes_AM", "lanes_MD", "lanes_PM", "lanes_NT", "price_sov_AM", "price_hov2_AM", "price_hov3_AM", "price_truck_AM", "price_sov_MD", "price_hov2_MD", "price_hov3_MD", "price_truck_MD", "price_sov_PM", "price_hov2_PM", "price_hov3_PM", "price_truck_PM", "price_sov_NT", "price_hov2_NT", "price_hov3_NT", "price_truck_NT", "roadway_class_idx", "assign_group", "access_AM", "access_MD", "access_PM", "access_NT", "mpo", "area_type", "county", "centroidconnect", #'mrcc_id', "AADT", "count_year", "count_AM", "count_MD", "count_PM", "count_NT", "count_daily", "model_node_id", "N", "osm_node_id", "bike_node", "transit_node", "walk_node", "drive_node", "geometry", "X", "Y", "ML_lanes_AM", "ML_lanes_MD", "ML_lanes_PM", "ML_lanes_NT", "segment_id", "managed", "bus_only", "rail_only", "bike_facility", "mrcc_id", "ROUTE_SYS", #mrcc functional class ] self.output_link_shp = os.path.join(self.scratch_location, "links.shp") self.output_node_shp = os.path.join(self.scratch_location, "nodes.shp") self.output_link_csv = os.path.join(self.scratch_location, "links.csv") self.output_node_csv = os.path.join(self.scratch_location, "nodes.csv") self.output_link_txt = os.path.join(self.scratch_location, "links.txt") self.output_node_txt = os.path.join(self.scratch_location, "nodes.txt") self.output_link_header_width_txt = os.path.join( self.scratch_location, "links_header_width.txt" ) self.output_node_header_width_txt = os.path.join( self.scratch_location, "nodes_header_width.txt" ) self.output_cube_network_script = os.path.join( self.scratch_location, "make_complete_network_from_fixed_width_file.s" ) self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.scratch_location) self.output_epsg = 26915 """ Create all the possible headway variable combinations based on the cube time periods setting """ self.time_period_properties_list = [ p + "[" + str(t) + "]" for p in ["HEADWAY", "FREQ"] for t in self.cube_time_periods.keys() ] self.int_col = [ "model_link_id", "model_node_id", "A", "B", # "lanes", "lanes_AM", "lanes_MD", "lanes_PM", "lanes_NT", "roadway_class", "assign_group", "county", "area_type", "trn_priority", "AADT", "count_AM", "count_MD", "count_PM", "count_NT", "count_daily", "centroidconnect", "bike_facility", "drive_access", "walk_access", "bike_access", "truck_access", "drive_node", "walk_node", "bike_node", "transit_node", # "ML_lanes", "ML_lanes_AM", "ML_lanes_MD", "ML_lanes_PM", "ML_lanes_NT", "segment_id", "managed", "bus_only", "rail_only", "mrcc_id", ] self.float_col = ["distance", "ttime_assert", "price", "X", "Y"] self.string_col = [ "osm_node_id", "name", "roadway", "shstGeometryId", "access_AM", "access_MD", "access_PM", "access_NT", "ROUTE_SYS", ] self.__dict__.update(kwargs)